Modifying data

Types that expose a mutable interface, for example via Arc<Mutex<_>>, can have their fields be assigned and modified from the Interact prompt.

Interact knows the basic types, and is also able to construct values of derived types for which the #[interact(skip)] attribute was not used for any field.


Assignments are done using = at the prompt.

For example, check cargo run --example large-example:

>>> complex.tuple
((690498389, VarUnit, (193, 38)), 1262478744)

>>> complex.tuple.0.2
(193, 38)

>>> complex.tuple.0.2 = (1, 1)
>>> complex.tuple
((690498389, VarUnit, (1, 1)), 1262478744)

>>> complex.tuple.0.1 = VarNamed { a: 3, b: 10}
>>> complex.tuple
((690498389, VarNamed { a: 3, b: 10 }, (1, 1)), 1262478744)

Wrapper types

The wrapper types Rc, RefCell, Mutex, Box are transparent to construction of values, and need not be specified.

>>> complex.boxed = VarNamed { a: 3, b: 10}

>>> complex.boxed
VarNamed { a: 3, b: 10 }